Initial enquiries are normally by telephone, or more recently by email. Details are logged onto our Admissions system by the School Office.
The following information is requested:
This is normally sent out prior to any visit to the School but many parents use the web prospectus.
Tours are arranged by the Registrar or the School Office and are usually conducted by the Headmaster, who likes to meet all prospective parents.
Registration forms can be completed prior to a visit. We suggest that children are registered as soon as possible as we have waiting lists for several year groups. When registered, the School will send its termly bulletin. Most prospective parents follow both our Facebook Account and our Twitter Feed and can also follow latest developments on our website.
For all children entering the School in Year 1 and above, we ask that they join us for a Taster Day. This is a chance to see the School in action, meet friends and be part of our community. We carry out an informal assessment during the day. We also like to have sight of the latest school report, if available. If a child is based overseas, we will usually ask for a reference and sight of their latest report as an alternative to the Taster Day, which may prove logistically impossible.
If the child is offered a place, then additional forms (Acceptance Form, Medical Information Form and Terms and Conditions) will be sent out, formalising the child's entry to the School.
On receipt of an Acceptance Form, the School will contact the previous School (if independent) to ask for a reference.
The School Registrar maintains a list of all those registered for the School, and those on the waiting list. It is her responsibility to maintain the lists and monitor the available places.
Each Summer we have induction evenings to help parents appreciate what lies ahead for their children in the next academic year. New parents are invited to attend these meetings.
Many children have a further stay in the term prior to them joining - this is to ensure that they are placed in the correct class and also gives them the opportunity to meet staff and fellow pupils.
Sent the term prior to your child joining, the School sends out a Welcome Pack of useful information and a code to access our Extranet.
The School runs a scholarship programme for entry into Y3 and above. Please contact Emma TV on [email protected] for more information.