General Appearance
School shop is open on Wednesdays between 12 - 5.30pm
You can purchase uniform on-line from
(01634 407 217)
For second hand uniform call in to the School Office at any time
All clothing must be clearly named inside the neck or waistband
Name tapes should be sewn on to sports kit as follows:
Shorts/Skort | Left leg, under logo |
All tops | Left chest, under logo |
Tracksuit bottoms | Left leg under logo |
Socks | Top edge. Visible when worn |
Towel | Loop along the long side |
Extreme cuts and styles are unacceptable, as is ill kempt hair. The School
prefers boys’ hair to be worn above the collar but no shorter than Grade 3.
Hair must be neatly cut and its natural colour. If it is below shoulder length or
obscures vision in any way it must be tied up. Please see the Blue Book for
school rules on hair.
Make up- not to be worn. Earrings– only small studs one per ear lobe are
permitted. Please see Blue Book for school rules on appearance. If your child
would like to get their ears pierced please do this at the start of the summer
holiday, so that the ear has plenty of time to recover so that in September
earrings can be removed quickly and easily for all activities. Lapel badges
and other ornaments are forbidden, except for official school pins.
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Nursery Uniform
Sweatshirt *
Navy or light blue polo
Navy blue tracksuit bottoms (winter)
Waterproofs dungarees*
Book bag*
Squidger* (summer sun hat)
Navy blue pull up shorts
Warm hat /gloves (winter)
Pre-Prep Uniform
Cord trousers/pinafore
Navy shorts/skirts
Polo shirt
Navy tights/socks
Black shoes
Waterproof coat
Waterproof Dungarees*
Book bag*
Sports Kit
Trainers - 2 pairs
(a clean pair for indoor use/astro)
White socks
Football Socks* (Year 1 & 2)
Tracksuit bottoms*
PE Shorts*
Sports Polo Shirt*
Showerproof jacket*
Duffel Bag*
Football Boots (Yr 1 & 2 Spring term)
Swimming costume/trunks
Towel/Goggles/Swim cap
Sweatshirt *
Corduroy trousers/navy skirt/navy shorts/
*summer dress
Polo shirt
Navy socks/tights (no trainer socks)
Black shoes
Reading folder (Year 3 only)
Coat, scarf*, hat & gloves (winter)
Squidger (summer hat) or school baseball cap
Formal Wear (Fridays)
White shirt
Navy skirt/Navy shorts/Grey trousers
Cardigan*/V-Neck jumper*